Aokigahara forest, also known as the Suicide Forest, is a place outside of Tokyo, Japan
Everyone in the states know about garden trolls. With the United States large concentration of
Okay, a new year has arrived and now being mid-January, the first genre films have
2015 is over and depending on your viewpoint with horror and genre films, it was
Believe it or not, the anthology Halloween horror film, Trick ‘r Treat, was first debuted
Folks may not be aware of director/writer/editor Anthony DiBlasi but he’s been fairly prolific in
B-movies have been around for years, from the Universal horror films to the 1950’s science
You’re in a mysterious room. You don’t know how you got there. Fifty or so
Save Matt Damon. First with Saving Private Ryan, then with Interstellar, and now with the
Back in 2007, a couple of filmmakers appeared on the horror scene as the potential