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Fresh Cuts Movie Podcast – Terrifier 3 (2024)

Welcome back to Fresh Cuts,

On this episode Mr. Venom, Mike, aaaaand Don are talking the return of the genre’s latest slasher icon in TERRIFIER 3! Art the clown is back and he is up to more graphic mayhem painting the big screen crimson red with the blood, guts, & other bits….as a bonus we get a Christmas horror movie two months early! How does this stack up to the goliath running time of Terrifier 2? Returning characters, new characters, & Santa Clause….oh my! Listen in as we cover all the axe wielding & chainsaw shredding…….

Have some feedback on the movie, discussion, hosts, or the show overall? Drop us a message in the comments below or fire off an email to noroominhellshow@gmail.com

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