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Dark Discussions Podcast – Episode 650 – 28 DAYS LATER (2002)

It’s our 650th episode. Over 13 years of podcasting. But even so, we usually don’t hit the classics. Yet when we do hit each 50th episode, we do decide to do one. As usual, we put up a poll on our Facebook page, Dark Discussions Podcast, and let you, the listeners and contributors to the Facebook group make the decision. The winner of our poll was 28 DAYS LATER from 2002.

From IMDB: “Four weeks after a mysterious, incurable virus spreads throughout the United Kingdom, a handful of survivors try to find sanctuary.” The film was directed by Danny Boyle, written by Alex Garland, and starred Cillian Murphy.

Listen to us discuss this classic for one of our most important episodes, the 650th one.

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