It’s the new thing. And it’s called the multiverse. It’s the running joke of the televisions series RICK AND MORTY. Where at any point in time, your existence diverts into millions of “you” depending on what you do next. The new movie HOSTILE DIMENSIONS (2024) opens up a door (literally) into existences beyond ours.
When graffiti artist, Emily (Josie Rogers), finds a standalone door in the middle of a cellar of an abandoned building, she opens it and disappears. Two documentary filmmakers along with a college professor decide to find the truth of what happens, hoping to solve a mystery that has gone viral on the internet.
The Scottish film is written and directed by Graham Hughes. Besides Josie Rogers, the cast includes Annabel Logan, Joma West, and Paddy Kondracki. With talking dogs, flying whales, and bronze giants, Emily’s dilemma may turn out to be more “supernatural” than one thought. Your co-hosts take a look at this hidden gem and give their thoughts.