Starring Jane Fonda

Actor, activist, exercise guru, businesswoman, star of Hollywood hits and French art-house cinema alike—Jane Fonda has worn more hats than just about any performer of her generation and continues to be an outspoken fighter for social and environmental justice. Though she was born the daughter of Hollywood royalty, Fonda refused to rest on her famous name, training under Lee Strasberg at the Actors Studio and parlaying her early successes in hits like the rollicking western comedy Cat Ballou and the sci-fi cult extravaganza Barbarella into increasingly complex, challenging roles in acclaimed films such as the edgy neonoir Klute (for which she won her first best actress Oscar) and the prescient disaster thriller The China Syndrome.

The fact that Fonda, at the height of her stardom, was one of the most visible faces of the civil rights and antiwar movements—and even decamped to France to star in Tout va bien, a radical anticapitalist screed by Jean-Luc Godard and Jean-Pierre Gorin—puts Fonda virtually in a class by herself for her rare combination of superstar talent and fearless political conviction.

Featuring: Walk on the Wild Side (1962), La ronde (1964), Cat Ballou (1965), The Chase (1966), Barefoot in the Park (1967), Barbarella (1968), Spirits of the Dead (1968), Klute (1971), Tout va bien (1972), Letter to Jane (1972), A Doll’s House (1973), The China Syndrome (1979), The Morning After (1986)