Nazis were one of the worst villains in world history, but have taken a life of their own in B-movies. The latest horror film OVERLORD (2018) is about a Nazis and the very common theme of trying to make the super soldier. In JJ Abrams’ latest produced film, not only is such a threat imminent but also somewhat grotesque.
As the Allies ready for the D-Day invasion, American paratroopers are sent behind enemy lines to take down German communication towers. A local church that towers over a French village has been used as a beacon for the Schutzstaffel communiqué. With most of the squad killed after a brutal attack, Corporal Ford (Wyatt Russell) must lead a group of survivors to the small farming town in hope to finish the mission.
The film stars Wyatt Russell, Jovan Adepo, and Pilou Asbaek. Originally planned as part of the CLOVERFIELD film universe, the movie became a standalone after the failure of the earlier release CLOVERFIELD PARADOX. Receiving fairly good reviews by critics, the movie quickly died at the box office with barely any press. Dark Discussions takes a look at this modern drive-in movie and gives their thoughts.