We take a look at the sixth installment of the classic horror franchise, SCREAM.
Art the clown shocked audiences with the first film in the franchise, TERRIFIER (2018). With
In this day and age, not all that surprising, there are sequels to multiple films.
We take a look at the second film in Art the Clown’s franchise movie series.
Anthony T is back with the last episode of Horror month on the podcast. In
Welcome back to Fresh Cuts, On this episode Mr. Venom, Mike, aaaaand Don are back
Welcome back to Fresh Cuts, On this episode Mr. Venom, Mike, aaaaand Don hanging out
Halloween season kicks off with this horror comedy classic
The ALIEN franchise is one of the most successful horror franchises of all time. ALIEN
More shark films! We take a look at the 2023 movie, MEG 2: THE TRENCH.