The Netflix original television show, MINDHUNTER, was well received when it debuted in October 2017. In August 2019, season two dropped and got even better reviews than the prior season. Based on the real life story of the creation of the Behavioral Science in the FBI, the show changes things up a bit but stays in the real world as fictional appearances of notorious serial murders appear on many episodes.
With a new boss, agents Ford (Jonathan Groff) and Tench (Holt McCallany) along with psychologist Wendy Carr (Anna Torv) grow the Behavioral Science unit within the FBI. While on assignment in Georgia, Agent Ford investigates the murders of young black minors around the Atlanta area. Soon the FBI gets involved officially with Ford using his scientific approach to try to identify a new serial killer.
Season two, unlike season one, focuses more upon the Tench and Carr characters. The program has officially been turned into focusing on an ensemble cast. Dark Discussions is joined by author M.J. Preston in their discussion of season two giving their thoughts.