In 2005, the novel NO COUNTRY FOR OLD MEN, written by Cormac McCarthy, was released. Oddly, the novel received mixed reviews since it was a departure from the author’s usual prose. Unlike his other works, this one had originally been written as a potential screenplay prior being turned into a novel. Almost immediately the Coen brothers took the property, writing the screenplay and adapted it into the 2007 film.
Llewelyn Moss, while hunting pronghorn in the desert of Southern Texas, stumbles upon the aftermath of a drug deal gone wrong. When he leaves the scene with a million dollars of drug money, he soon has a group of cartel men and bounty hunters after him, including the peculiar Anton Chigurh. Sheriff Bell is soon piecing together what has happened and is on a journey to save Llewelyn before he lands up dead.
The cast includes Tommy Lee Jones, Josh Brolin, and Javier Bardem in leading roles. Considered by many to be one of the greatest thrillers of all time, the movie went on to win a number of awards. Now considered a classic, the movie continues to be listed on “best of” lists. Dark Discussions takes a look at this amazing film and gives their thoughts.