As stated many times on this podcast, the Greys, the white and hairless aliens, are one of the monsters in the horror and science fiction genre that seem not to get enough screen time in film. In 2022, the Paramount film SIGNIFICANT OTHER alluded to space invaders or some sort of being that may play a prominent role in the movie’s story.
Ruth (Maika Monroe (IT FOLLOWS)) and Harry (Jake Lacy (THE WHITE LOTUS)) head out for a camping trip in the woods of the Northwestern United States. It was supposed to be a romantic time, with Harry even planning something special at an overlook of the Pacific Ocean that means a lot to him. However, the two find the dead body of a deer that is covered with a black substance that doesn’t seem like any type of moss they’ve ever seen.
The film was co-directed and co-written by Dan Berk and Robert Olsen. The film received buzz with it starring screamqueen Maika Monroe. As for reviews, the movie has a fair score of 71% by the Rotten Tomatoes meter. With its interesting twist in the middle of the film, and an unexpected ending that oddly works, your co-hosts take a look at the structure of the movie and give their thoughts on the film as a whole.