The Macedonian film, YOU WON’T BE ALONE (2022), made its film premiere at Sundance 2022 where it got much notice. The film, having a ensemble cast, including Noomi Rapace, was picked up by Focus Features and released through VOD (and a limited theater run) in April. Most certainly arthouse, the movie is considered a horror film with its violent creature transformations and the inclusion of a witch.
Nevena (Sara Klimoska) was promised to the witch Maria (Anamaria Marinca) as a baby by her mother. Her mother hides her in a cave, but on Nevena’s sixteenth birthday, the witch comes back and takes her by force. Feral and having no social life these last fifteen years, Nevena has to learn on her own what it is to be both a witch and a human if she is to survive.
With over 100+ reviews on the Rottentomatoes website, the film has a strong 93% approval. The movie is directed and written by Goran Stolevski, as his full-length motion picture directorial debut. The cast includes Sara Klimoska, Anamaria Marinca, Alice Englert, Carloto Cotta, and Noomi Rapace. Dark Discussions takes a look at this foreign language film and gives their thoughts.