Zombie films are most certainly nothing original. Whether “fast zombies” or “slow zombies”, whether “virus zombies” or the undead, the market has been saturated with them. However, a few prominent one have appeared recently. One of them is VIRUS-32 (2022) from Uruguay. The question does it do enough new to make it stand out.
When it is her weekend to take care of her daughter, Iris (Paula Silva) has to bring her to work. As a security guard at a massive workout and activity center, she lets her daughter play basketball in one of the indoor ball courts while she does her rounds. Soon out on the street, people begin to go violent and attack and kill innocent bystanders. As Iris, her daughter, and a man named Luis (Daniel Hendler) try to survive, the infected begin to break in.
The movie is directed by and from a story by Gustavo Hernandez. The screenplay is written by Juma Fodde. The movie was released to the television station Shudder during Q2 of 2022, only a short time after its initial release in its home country. Dark Discussions takes a look at the latest in the zombie genre and gives their thoughts.