The 2021 Canadian science fiction horror film, COME TRUE, went much unnoticed during its initial release. With its very generic title, the movie didn’t necessarily bring much attention to streamers. With a premise about dreams, the story focuses on their meaning and the philosophy around it.
Sara (Julia Sarah Stone) is a high school senior who runs away from home. Needing income she applies for a sleep study in which she wear’s an EKG and an odd device on her head. When she starts having vivid nightmares and a seizure, she begins to worry that the scientists are looking for something much more abnormal than a normal night’s sleep.
COME TRUE is directed and written by newcomer Anthony Scott Burns. The cast stars mostly unknowns including Julia Sarah Stone, Landon Liboiron, Carlee Ryski, and Christopher Heatherington. Having been well received by critics, guest co-host, actor Dan Lench, chose the film for what turns out to be a very interesting discussion of a polarizing film.